Welcome to an 'art computer' 
with past, current and forgotten gifts of art

> Computer translation from German to English, without human corrections <

Currently, I offer: 

- Fifteen screen saver with aspects of art 

- Winamp Music Visualizations of three massively hectic to extremely quiet 

- A screen saver that shows disaster as a poem - and sets the pace. So who clicks into nervous, the expiry of his poem.

- An old, still audible 'robotic' voice program (Logox 2), on the one hand to present itself poetry is capable, on the other hand, as a 'therapist' listens and reflects from what they hear responses to the therapy, that is a clone of the famous early text generator 'Eliza' .

- And enables the assembly of symphonic fragments across the centuries, so the consumer-classical sounds of endless sound .

- a text editor 'Guestbook' - a music program that is run only on an old operating system (Win 98 SE) able are in the visitors leave comments können

Im construction of five walk-in with the browser museums: "quarell 'for paintings," Visionum' for graphic, "Phantaphoto 'for Photographic Art," eye candy "for computer art and" hyper cinema' for Medienkunst.

Langfristig I would like a local Server offer that shows a virtual world that you, visitor, with a lending avatar can enter. 

Run off and write in my book: What do you imagine art under one computer in the first moment? What would tell a journalist who was visiting me? Where on this computer-art site has something does not work?